Call to order – 9:04 AM
Roll Call –
Bob Brown
Joe Cimperman
Lillian Kuri
Gloria Jean Pinkney
David Bowen
Larry Lumpkin
Rev. S. Small
Tony Coyne
Approved March 3rd minutes
Legislation (all passed)
Ordinance #311-06
Improvement of the Department of Finance facility, specifically the Print Shop portion of it, at 1735 Lakeside Avenue
Ordinance #376-06
Authorization for the Historic Warehouse District Development Corporation to encroach into the public right-of-way by installing hanging flower baskets on every historic light pole
Ordinance #xxx1-o6
Legislation to be introduced to allow a lease agreement between the city and Lake Shore Electric Railway to store a trolley collection inside the Dock 32 Warehouse for 18 months (introduced on March 20th).
They are currently working to raise funds for construction of a new storage and viewing at the end of the Waterfront near the Municipal Parking Lot.
Mark R (from Marous Brothers – I forget his last name): The cars have to be off of the Olmstead Falls property by mid-June or the current owner ill lose the trains to the new owner.
Jim Cox (Flats Industry Association, Executive Director):
Submitted letter to the Commission
“Today I am here to advocate for the ‘highest and best use’ for Dock 32 at the Port of Cleveland. Dock 32’s last tenant was FedMar Terminals, which paid $175,000 annually in rent as well as more than $100,000 in dockage and wharfage fees. FedMar handled 100,000 tons of cargo valued at $35 million.Bob Brown:
The Port, through its Memorandum of Understanding with the previous administration, surrendered its lease of Dock 32. Returning the dock to the city so that the property would become an integral part of the City’s “Lakefront Plan.’
Using this invaluable dock wharf and warehouse space for the storage of trolleys, even if only or 18 months, is not the ‘highest and best use’ of this maritime infrastructure.
As the …Northeast Ohio Research Consortium’s Jan. 2006 Brief … indicates, the predominant workforce segment of the economy of Cleveland and Northeast Ohio is still manufacturing. To retain and reinforce that industry and the many jobs it generates, Flats Industry believes Dock 32 should be restored to the highest and best use, even if only for 18 months. It should not be another parking lot generating zero revenues for the city. Flats Industry believes Dock 32 should be restored to the highest and best use, for maritime activity, even for a minimum of 18 months.
Maritime use will guarantee jobs and will guarantee a substantial income to the city’s general fund. Thank you.”
The lease was terminated by the City with an understanding that there would be no problems
The trolley will remain inside… there should be room on the outside of the warehouse for emergency storage.
There is a plan B that will utilize storage at a warehouse at Mitel Steel – not our first choice… would not be accessible to those who want to see the trains.
Jim Cox:
The Steel needs to be inside a warehouse, not outside.
Resolution #319-06
Declaring the necessity and intention to appropriate property for the public use of repairing and resurfacing a portion of St. Clair Avenue
Administrative Approvals (all passed)
Ordinance #300-06
Regarding the construction of maintenance yard wash-out pits
St. Clair/Superior BRD
1. The Year of the Dog – St. Clair/Superior neighborhood art installation project presentation. Previously passed by the commission - see here.
2. Lot Split – 3600 East 59th Street (tabled)
Design Review
1. DRC 06-017
East Woodland Estates-Hill Place Phase 1 Remodel (w/d)
2. DRC 06-018 (approved)

East 17th Street Extension, Streetscape Design
415’ of new roadway that will extend East 17th Street at Euclid south to Prospect Avenue. Construction will begin in April and will end in August. It is part of the Euclid Corridor Project. There will be ornamental fencing along the parking lots with appropriate landscaping.
Kuri: There is an opportunity to visually enhance the building to the East of the new road. (Bonfoey Gallery)
Brown: There are future plans to address the appearance of the Hanna Parking Garage by City Architecture.
Kuri voiced her displeasure with the standard streetlights that will be installed.
Brown: We will contact CPP about seeing what is available in the inventory that would be more suitable.
Design Review is suggesting the placement of trees along the sidewalk next Bonfoey – the Planning Commission disagrees.
3. DRC 06-016 (approved)

1000 St. Clair Avenue, The Liberty at St. Clair, Multifamily Supportive Housing
A joint development of EDEN, Inc. and the Cleveland Housing Network. It is a four story building located at 10000 St. Clair Avenue with 72 units ranging in size from 330 to 380 sq. ft. It is "supportive housing project for single adults in critical need of housing and in danger of being homeless." There will be a community space with kitchen, computer classrooms, multi-purpose living spaces,

Project cost: $10,000,000
Architect: Weese Langley Weese
Construction to start in summer
4. DRC 06-013 (all but the the top of the building approved)
750 and 700 Huron Road, AT&T Buildings, Skyline and Street Level Building Identification Signs
Proposed signage with the new at&t logo or the two buildings

I did not have any renderings, but a little Photoshop magic can show you sort of what it would look like. (I did this in five minutes, so forgive the crudeness of it please.) The logo near the top floors of the building, in fron of the windows, is one of the proposals (without the white background and maybe twice the size)
By the end of the presentation, the commission, as well as the at&t representative all felt the best option would be to place the main logo sphere at the top of the building as is pictured in my simulation. This would give a nod to the whole superman Daily Planet concept that the building is rumored to have inspired. The rep was going to propose this to his bosses. (building photo courtesy of
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