Sunday, July 02, 2006

The True Cost of Driving

Found this on the Community Sollutions web site.
Enter in the appropriate amounts and find out what the true cost is of driving.
From their website:
Most people immediately think of the direct costs of driving: purchasing and maintaining a car, paying for gas and oil, insurance, Most people immediately think of the direct costs of driving: purchasing and maintaining a car, paying for gas and oil, insurance, registration and parking. Further from the mind are other costs associated with automobiles such as road construction and maintenance that are paid for less directly, via taxes and fees. Since those costs aren't paid for directly by car owners, they usually aren't calculated as costs of driving. In addition, there are the other hidden environmental and social costs that drivers and non-drivers alike pay to support our primary mode of transportation - the automobile.

Through this short calculation sheet you can calculate your costs based on your specific vehicle miles traveled in order to identify what you really pay to drive each year. Once all costs are considered, it quickly becomes clear that it might be cheaper to consider transportation alternatives such as riding a bike, using the bus, vanpooling, carpooling, walking or telecommuting. Call 831/429-POOL for more information or assistance.
Go try it out.