June 28, 2010 In this MegaVote for Ohio's 10th Congressional District: Recent Congressional Votes
Upcoming Congressional Bills
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Recent Senate Votes | |
Comprehensive Iran Sanctions, Accountability, and Divestment Act - Vote Passed (99-0, 1 Not Voting) On Thursday, the Senate unanimously approved the conference report to this bill that would impose new sanctions on companies doing business with Iran. The House voted on the conference report later that day. Sen. George Voinovich voted YES......send e-mail or see bio Sen. Sherrod Brown voted YES......send e-mail or see bio Motion to Invoke Cloture on Reid Amendment; American Workers, State, and Business Relief Act of 2010 - Vote Rejected (57-41, 2 Not Voting) The Senate rejected the motion to end debate on this latest version of a bill to extend several expired tax provisions and unemployment benefits due to concerns about the federal deficit. After failing to agree on how to pay for the bill, Senate Democratic leaders have decided to move on to other legislation, and the bills future is unclear. Sen. George Voinovich voted NO......send e-mail or see bio Sen. Sherrod Brown voted YES......send e-mail or see bio | |
Recent House Votes | |
Democracy is Strengthened by Casting Light on Spending in Elections (DISCLOSE) Act - Vote Passed(219-206, 8 Not Voting) The House passed this bill that would establish new reporting requirements for corporations, unions and other interest groups for campaign-related activities. The bill now goes to the Senate. Rep. Dennis Kucinich voted YES......send e-mail or see bio Comprehensive Iran Sanctions, Accountability, and Divestment Act - Vote Passed (408-8, 1 Present, 16 Not Voting) The House approved the conference report to this legislation that would impose new sanctions on companies doing business with Iran, sending it to the White House. The president is expected to sign the bill. Rep. Dennis Kucinich voted NO......send e-mail or see bio | |
Upcoming Votes | |
Small Business Lending Fund Act of 2010 - H.R.5297 The Senate will start work on this bill that would establish a lending fund administered by the Treasury Department to invest in financial institutions with the intention of expanding the availability of credit to small businesses. Dodd-Frank Act of 2010 - H.R.4173 The House is scheduled to vote on the conference report of this financial regulation reform bill. The Senate may also vote on it later this week. Supplemental Appropriations Act of 2010 - H.R.4899 The House is likely to vote on this legislation funding the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, and providing for additional funding for foreign aid and disaster assistance. |
Dear residents and stakeholders,
This message is intended to update and inform people regarding the status of the ODOT Noise Mitigation project: I-71 from Pearl Road/W. 25th Street to Fulton Avenue.
Summary timeline – ODOT concluded its noise analysis back in April of 2009 and at that time prepared various potential alternative designs for noise mitigation walls based on their noise analysis of the project area.
Project meetings were held by ODOT with the public through September – October of 2009 (north and south sections of the community) and public outreach on the streets immediately affected continued through November as well as in February/March of 2010.
We’ve recently learned that ODOT went to bid with project in March 2010 and Greatlakes Construction received the $2.5 million contract in April. Surveying began in June and as many of you are aware trees began to be marked for removal this past week.
We’ve learned that construction is anticipated to be from July through October 2010 with tree and drilling work first and then wall placement to follow.
In communications with ODOT over the past month my office sought clarification regarding the final plans for walls and requested to have input into those plans before they were implemented. We had a meeting scheduled with ODOT officials for Thursday of this week, but through our discussions ODOT agreed earlier this morning to meet in the field today. Johanna Hamm and I spent several hours in the field with ODOT officials this morning reviewing plans and discussing operations.
Plans for a Public Meeting - We are coordinating with Applewood Centers to secure their auditorium/gym for a public meeting for either Wed/Thurs. June 30th/July 1st at 6:30 pm. We’ll send out an email as soon as we confirm this as well as work with local area CDCs to help flyer notices.
The Project – We are working with ODOT to ensure that noise barrier walls (concrete - red stamped - with absorptive material) will only be placed in areas between Pearl and Fulton along I-71 where the majority of homeowners expressed a strong interest in them. ODOT’s plans were to install walls the full length of the access road on the south side of the freeway and from the Jones Home (W. 25th St.) to W. 39th Street on the north side, leaving the portion that abuts Smith Avenue as is – with no wall installed.
In our discussions today ODOT is willing to considering changing their plans to eliminate the installation of a wall from W. 39th St. to Fulton on the southern side of the freeway. There are a majority of property owners that would rather not have a wall in this area and to maintain the lush tree growth instead. Other changes we hope to influence include backing the wall off of the eastern entrance and exit of the access ramps at Pearl Road/W. 25th Street to better protect the viewsheds of that corridor, and additional discussions are occurring with property owners in these areas to help delineate where the walls would begin. In addition, we walked the project area and reviewed the trees that are marked for removal and the contractor will be working to try to save as many trees as possible given the 10-foot width requirements for installation.
- NOTE: See the enclosed reference map. The project area only consists of the areas labeled NSA3 and NSA4. NSA 1, 2 & 5 are not being considered for a wall. Also, the area to the north beginning at W. 39th and extending to Fulton Road will not see a wall installed and we’re working with ODOT to ensure a wall will not be installed on the south side of the project, also from W. 39th to Fulton.
In terms of a green-structure alternative to the cement walls, ODOT has stated that they will not be considering this as an option. They have responded that they need more research to ensure this type of wall would meet federal requirements (There is an example that has been given in Canada provided by resident Ken Wohlgemuth) for addressing noise conditions. And, that without that, this type of solution would not be available at this time.
My perspective on this issue is that it is a tough balancing act to 1) be responsive to the majority of residents that are most negatively impacted by the sound of the freeway - many of them have expressed their frustrations over the last 6-years that it has taken this long to get a project of this kind funded. And, 2) on the other, with all of the greening activities we’ve seen in the last 5-plus years with groups like Friends of Big Creek and the Brooklyn Centre Naturalist and recent Reimagining Cleveland Projects (BCCA & BCN) projects we’re aware of the desire by many oppose such noise walls in our neighborhood or loss of any existing trees.
As a compromise we want to work with ODOT as described above in terms of limiting as much as possible the installation of the walls only where they will mitigate noise for a majority of residents who want them, and also see if we can either reallocate/apportion funding out of this project or seek out additional funding for more landscaping and buffering for the entire area covered by the project. We also want to work to see what can be done for better landscaping and improved fencing at the end points of the project (entrance and exit ramps) where on the western end Metroparks has been helpful in maintaining and improving the areas, and to work with and learn from the Tremont neighborhood’s implementation of a vegetative screening in lieu of noise walls in their neighborhood.
If anyone has any questions please contact me and please feel free to post comments as well on the pages referenced below.
Councilman, Ward 14
Cleveland City Council
City Hall, Room 220
601 Lakeside Avenue
Cleveland, OH 44114
216-664-4238 office
216-664-3837 fax
- NOTE: This information will also be posted as a link on the at the Realneo.us blog site and the Brooklyn Centre Community Association facebook page
ODOT_map_Centre_71_sound_wall.pdf 961.42 KB