Friday, October 21, 2005

October Blog Meetup

I went to my first Cleveland Weblogger Meetup the other night. I did not get there until well after nine, (I have stats class on Wednesday nights at Metro Hospital. The class starts earlier then other night classes at CSU and is a bit closer to home) so I found it a bit difficult to figure out exactly what was being discussed. I eventually realized there was nothing in particular being discussed at all... or more specifically, everything that could possibly be discussed at one time was being done as inefficiently as possible.
Nonetheless, it was nice to put faces with words and I did enjoy myself.

I did get the sense that they were trying to accomplish something as a group that would give the group recognition. I hope they/we can figure something out. I have been trying to do the same thing with the Student APA (feed) group at school for two years, so I can commensurate with some of the bloggers feelings… or at least their beer-induced concerns.

I did like the Food Bank volunteering idea and the possibility of self-organizing. I think we should talk with Norm Roulet, or at the very least look at what he has done with Realneo. I think, from what I was able to comprehend, that this is something that is feasible and could most likely be done with only a minimal amount of resources.

I brought my camera, but left it in the car. I’ll have pictures next time.